We need to jump start the early stage engine again before the industry stalls
BIG tech has found a way to get around regulators and buy the top Ai talent
Concentrated or more shots on goal, either way you need a HUGE exit
As LPs pressure investors for liquidity, VCs bridge their funds to prolong their life as exits take longer
They are starting to really lean in and fill the gaps as LPs to ensure true early stage pre/seed investing gets back on track soon
Sometimes you need to be a student of the game and learn from our history, to better understand our present and soon to be future
LPs are starting to lean in and write BIG checks into the BIG established VCs again
It's pretty much impossible for a true VC backed tech startup to IPO early these days
It will still be another year before the tech/VC world starts to really recover
We invested in Ai 6yrs ago before it was cool
Maybe startups are still where money/growth is at :)
Now Leaner, Meaner and Purpose Driven